Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Victory story if ever I vic'd

When my brother and I were knee high to grasshoppers, our nana knitted him a jumper with Sonic the hedgehog on it, and since then I have envied him dramatically. I'm kinda sickeningly obsessed with novelty items of clothing at the moment, I like to have at least one item of apparel on at a time which says 'I'm a fun person who likes to party'. So when I finally plucked up the courage to ask him about whether or not I, myself could become owner/guardian of the sonic jumper, I was surprised by an un-hesitant yes. There are perks to finally becoming a real adult/human being(hoominbeeng)... I was channeling my 1990s childhood self upon dressing in this photo. And I was happpyyy.

(Excuse the messy room, it's just the way I ammz)

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