Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Now that I am in the knowledge that I can post properly...

I've been obsessing over childrens books for a long time; I don't know whether it's my general lack of attention span or 8-year-old demeanor or whether the delicate whimsical stylings of childrens book illustration serves as an opiate to my chaotic little mind...
today I was supposed to go job hunting, as that time has fell upon me, but, daunted by the real world, I decided to paint Little Red Riding Hood, and her friend and mine, the moderately sized morally eschewed one of two carnivorous mammals that typically live and hunt in hierarchical packs and prey on livestock and game animals and little girls and their grandmothers. This is what I managed to make;
wolf 004 little rougie 001

I wanted to make the wolf seem almost endearing as I think that as a predatory animal it was not out of malice that he played such fatal tricks on little red, but something he couldn't help. I think that there's a little bit of the 'big bad wolf' in us all. except me, of course.

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